14 Nov Incipient Teaser + Preorder Update
Hi lovelies,
Just wanted to pop in and share a quick update + teaser for book 6. As soon as you already know, the preorder was cancelled by Amazon due to a title change issue. While the cancellation of all my preorder was extremely devastating for me, it does not change anything for you guys. The book will still be releasing December 10th as planned. Please make sure you join my newsletter or Facebook group as to not miss the release announcement and download link.
Having cleared that up, I’m super excited to share a teaser from Incipient with you guys. Please note, this is not necessarily the final version and may appear different in the book Hope you enjoy!
With his icy fingers still pressed firmly against my mouth, Dominic turned on the faucet and then brought his index finger up to his own mouth in a shushing gesture. My heart pounded wildly against my chest as I watched him through the mirror. I hadn’t seen him since that fateful night outside of All Saints when he shattered my entire world, and while I was terrified of what he was doing here, what he had planned for me tonight, a part of me—the sick, bonded part of me—was also contented to see him again. To feel his body close to mine, no matter how cruel and unforgiving his hold on me was.
“I’ve missed you, angel,” he said to my mind, his free hand back around the front of my stomach. “Have you missed me?”
I had longed to hear those words from him again, but I knew they were not birthed from any real sentiment. I could see it in the callous way his mouth was hiked up at the corner and the way his vacant eyes mocked me through the mirror.
He was playing a game with me and I had no idea what the rules were.
My instincts were to tell him no. To tell him I hated him. Hated what he’d become. To break out of his hold and turn the tables on him, something I knew I could easily do. But Gabriel’s words replayed in my head like a solemn whispered prayer, stopping me from doing anything brash.
I had to stay cool, calm and collected and play this thing smart if I had any hope of ever getting the real Dominic back. Even as he traced cold circles against my abdomen with his finger. Even as he pushed his palm against my mouth far harder than he needed to. Even as my grief enveloped me like a second skin.
Despite all of that and against every instinct in my aching body, I nodded my head. Because I had missed him. And because I was going to break the son of a bitch if it was the last thing I ever did.
Venus Gonzalez
Posted at 14:00h, 16 NovemberI am so excited for the book 6 to release. Is there a set date for release? I understand the frustration of Amazon because I had this book pre-ordered since April. What would be way cool is that this becomes a movie! But I only have hopes lol! Love your books!
Posted at 14:20h, 16 NovemberI’m excited for the release of book 6. I think you’re an amazing writer and your books are the best ever! Please never stop with writing!!
Cheryl Rogers
Posted at 19:45h, 17 NovemberI was so disappointed when Amazon sent me an email saying my pre order was canceled. I pre order on Jan 23rd. I could not wait for the December release. It was like an early birthday gift…lol I will be looking for the link and would also like to buy a hard copy of Book 5 and 6 when they come available. I love holding them in my hands when reading them. This is the best series I have read so far. Hope you never stop. You have such an amazing imagination. You really draw me into the life of the story and it’s like nothing else around me exists. I can’t put the book down once I start reading.
Jakata Lewis
Posted at 13:17h, 22 NovemberI am a 65 year old woman. My adult children tease me for reading vampire books. I just laugh and tell them its entertainment. I believe there are some very dark beings among us, some we may have labels for and some we don’t. I also believe, after spending much of my youth in New Orleans, that there is a real possibility that vampires do exist. Also I believe that anything that can exist in a writers “mind” exists in some reality even if we can’t see it. I have enjoyed your books very much. I am recovering from a catastrophic illness and have been less active this year due to my healing process. I have been reading to entertain my brain. I read anywhere from 3 to 5 books a week. I read all five of THE MARKED books in one week. I am so looking forward to Book 6. I love your way of describing each character. I love the way you have so many different beings with all sorts of special skills. I applaud the way you craft an exciting story with your use of words. Please continue to share your talent with the world…. and me. Thank you.
Natasha Stephens
Posted at 08:19h, 23 November#teamdominic

Laela Dye
Posted at 20:47h, 14 JuneI litterly have no idea anymore who’s side I am on anymore lol
Posted at 21:49h, 07 DecemberI am completely obsessed with your Marked Series! So excited for this new release. I read the rest of your series in about a week and couldn’t put the books down. Love your writing style and story telling. Such a great suspenseful, adventurous and romantic series!
Suzanne M. Blizzard
Posted at 21:08h, 08 DecemberWhen will INCIPIENT be released on Amazon?