04 Dec Infernal Release Date
It is with a heavy heart that I announce the release date for Infernal has been pushed back to February 1st, 2018. I am beyond disappointed in myself for having to do this, but I can’t in good conscience put out a book that I’m not proud of. You guys deserve better than that, and while it pains me to have to postpone the release date, I know I can do the story justice with a little more time. Apart from a short break for the holidays, I will not be leaving the writing cave–until.
In the meantime, please enjoy a picture of my butchered manuscript. If it’s any consolation, I solemnly swear to make something wonderful out of this utter piece of crap.

Jenn Beard
Posted at 10:40h, 07 DecemberAww…..nuts! But it gives me something to look forward to in February. However, I want you to end this series well–so write on! The characters all deserve it! LOVE IT! And I sorta hope she ends up with Dominic–I can’t tell you why I think that bc I have never been attracted to the “bad boys” but there is something altogether tragic and alluring about that Dominic. His character and his way with Jemma pulls on my heart in a way that is more real and forever than with Trace. BUT you are the storyteller here, not me. Whichever way it ends will be spectacular! Thanks!
Posted at 13:09h, 30 DecemberGirl, yes! I have never before wanted the girl to end up with the guy she wasn’t in love with, but I love the idea of her and Dominic together. Even though he’s a “bad guy”, he has so much character and he seems to always put her and her feelings first. I’m so excited for this book!
Audrey Hagar
Posted at 15:51h, 07 Decemberaghhhhhhh!!!!! I am counting down the days! I think I might re-read the first 3 just to pass the time. I am so looking forward to the 4th! Is there a way to be alerted when it is released? Or pre-order? I don’t want to miss it!
Thank you, Bianca! I have so enjoyed these books and your writing!
Posted at 12:34h, 08 DecemberI love the books read the all three in a week. I can’t wait for the fourth. I dying what going to happen with her Trace and Dominic.
Posted at 15:16h, 08 DecemberI just read the first 3 books…took me 3 days…couldn’t stop reading!!! I can’t wait for the last book! I hope she can find a way to save Trace! I love them together!
Meredith Hanson
Posted at 13:25h, 09 DecemberThe pressure must be unbearable for you, the writer, to meet these deadlines. Writing is an artistic process…. to have a timetable forced upon you must be spirit-crushing. Although disappointed, your readers will get over it, especially if presented with a finale worthy of the characters you have created… that have come to life for so many. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your craft. Work your magic… we’ll wait patiently.
Kaitlyn Dietsch
Posted at 23:36h, 09 DecemberThank you for updating us readers. I have been anxiously awaiting your next book . I have loved the first three books and can’t wait for more.
Posted at 01:57h, 11 DecemberBianca…..I am screaming!!! LOL. But, seriously if you read my review on Amazon, you will see that in one BUSY week, I have read all 3 of your books! I UNDERSTAND the difficulty in writing to the BEST of your ability as I am also penning a Paranormal book. I can only HOPE that I can compel people to be as obsessed from my writing as we All are with yours! BEST OF LUCK AND ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS with your precious child. They grow up so very fast that I admire your small hiatus to spend quality Holiday time with your loved ones! Oh , by the way, I HATE TRACE BEING THE DEVIL & I have a PERFECT IDEA FOR YOUR ENDING BUT WON’T tell you with others able to read my comment! TAKE CARE AND HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Fondly, deb xx
Josie Munoz
Posted at 02:12h, 12 DecemberOMG! I cannot wait! I read the first book on a whim and could not stop reading for the life of me! I ended up reading all three in 2 days! You got this bibliophile hooked!
Posted at 23:08h, 12 DecemberI thought it was coming out tomorrow but I checked this in case of updates on the book. It’s sad to hear that I’ll have to wait longer but I bet it’ll epic and totally worth the wait.
Posted at 10:53h, 13 DecemberBianca, your writing sucked me in and wouldn’t let me go. This series is great! I loved Trace from the beginning and you’ve made me love Dominic somewhere along the way. Now I find myself torn between them. I’m completely and utterly devastated by the way Iniquitous ended but I have hope and can’t wait to see where you take us in Infernal. I will be anxiously counting down the days until February. Happy writing!
Rachel Clarke
Posted at 13:39h, 14 DecemberRats! Ok, we’ll forgive you but only if the Roderick Sisters suffer an end so violent that we’ll have nightmares.
Posted at 14:32h, 26 JanuaryOmg! I just read all 3 books in just as many days! I have always loved reading because I feel like the characters are a part of my life for that short period of time but these books and this story have captivated me beyond that! I feel as though I’m in the story while I’m reading it and I can not wait to finish the series with the 4th book!
I also totally agree with another comment on here that the Roderick sister should suffer! Hahaha
Your writing is epic and I can’t wait for more!
Melinda M.
Posted at 15:28h, 14 DecemberI have put the new release date of you book in my calendar. Your series has sucked me in and I feel all the emotions as I read about your characters trials. I absolutely hated Dominic at the beginning of the series. You are such an amazing writer to get a person to fall in love with a character that was so easy to dislike. I have such big hopes for Dominic and Jemma in the series. I am completely fine waiting for something that has your stamp of approval. Better to do the characters justice than to rush and have a story that doesn’t have the same clarity as the others. I am so glad you care about your writing enough to bump it back if it isn’t right. Thank you! I am looking forward to your future work!
Ana Shoemaker
Posted at 21:49h, 14 Decembernoooo…well okay since you want to give us your best only….but man oh man! I was stalking December 14th waiting and waiting. The 1st three books were awesome and I’m looking forward to the 4th!
Happy Holidays but get to work quickly.
Kimberly O.
Posted at 18:28h, 15 DecemberI ripped through the first three books in two days. It’s been so long since I’ve read a series that has pulled me in with such a force. I absolutely can’t wait for the fourth book to come out!!!!! I’m really excited to see how the rest of the story plays out. I also wanted you to know that I really appreciate the care that you are putting into this book by pushing the release date back, it shows how much you love your readers. February can’t come any faster!!!!
Annie White
Posted at 13:09h, 17 DecemberOk I’m sad but gives me a chance to renew myself with the story line again. I can reread them all 3 .
Sarah Bowman
Posted at 20:06h, 19 DecemberOh No!!! I’m not sure I can survive that long!! I am totally addicted to your books! I am a full time mommy, wife and nurse and I went sleep deprived for 3 days to finish the first three books! I know it’s a process to finish it in the best way, but I might go into withdrawals!!
Melonie Brown
Posted at 11:46h, 20 DecemberJust finished the 3rd one 5 minutes ago and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find Infernal. #Devastation I guess I will actually get some work done around here…
Kristi Ann
Posted at 06:05h, 25 DecemberI read all 3 books in 4 days. I would have finished them sooner, but my family and I are on our Christmas vacation. When I was supposed to be having fun, I found myself dying to get back to reading!! I wanted Jemma to end up with Trace in the beginning, but Dominic has grown on me and after him admitting that he loved her, I’m torn!!! To the point where I’d be happier if they’d just stay in the love triangle!! Lol I hope one doesn’t have to die though but either way, I know it will be an amazing end to the story and I cannot wait to finally read it…it’ll definitely be bittersweet once it’s over though!! Gonna miss them…
Posted at 01:02h, 26 DecemberBook 1, Trace says I know you will love me…….it’s a seer. Please don’t forget to connect the dots
Sanne Heremans
Posted at 15:56h, 04 JanuaryI like that thought!
Posted at 15:13h, 29 DecemberI can not wait for book four. I finished reading book 1 in one day. I have just started reading book two. Keep up the hard work.
Jamie Flenner
Posted at 16:34h, 29 DecemberMy birthday is Feb 2! So happy birthday to me! Worth the extra wait, for sure. ?
Lauren Engelbert
Posted at 07:17h, 30 DecemberAfter inhaling this series in 5 days I suppose I can wait. I must say I didn’t enjoy sharing part of my last name with the villian! Good luck and keep writing!
Selene Ruiz
Posted at 19:57h, 31 DecemberI believe that if the book infernal is the last book of the marked saga that it should have Trace,Jemma and Dominic in the cover page but your the outhor si it’s up to you.
Posted at 16:49h, 01 JanuaryI too hope she Jemma ends up with Dominic. While we hated him at first, he has been true to her side through everything. I couldn’t help but feel with Trace turning into the devil she would no longer have to choose. Dominic loved her and sensed the evil within before anyone knew the truth. Please let them be together;)
Allison Burton
Posted at 22:20h, 03 JanuaryEeekkk! I got sucked in! I loved the growth of character in Jemma and I’m so ready for her to kick ass and take names! Aside from a few grammatical errors, it was definitely series so far. I feel like it was leading up to a little Dominic and Jemma time. I wish she could have both guys. Anyways, I can’t wait to read the last book (no pressure) and I will be anxiously awaiting the ending!
Posted at 17:53h, 05 JanuaryMan!!! I read all three books in less than a week and was hoping the next one would be out sooner, already waiting for me ?!!
Amanda kohler
Posted at 21:17h, 06 JanuaryI love this series! I am anxiously awaiting the next book. I hope jemma ends up with Dominic!
Marla Reed
Posted at 08:39h, 08 JanuaryI can’t wait. I just finished the other 3 and really hope there is a way to save Trace. I like them as a couple and want them to have a future.
Katherine Leong
Posted at 11:55h, 16 JanuaryI just want Trace and Jemma to finally be together in the end! ?
Christy Karter
Posted at 00:37h, 22 JanuaryJust finished my third book. These are AMAZING BOOKS. Ill be waiting for February 1st to come.. Thanks for the great Series. I really have loved every minute
Amy H
Posted at 10:50h, 28 JanuaryI read the first 3 books in 3 days. I don’t know when I fell in love with Dominic, but it happened. I still don’t feel right about Trace’s alt leaving her in the church. Please rip off Nikki’s head… I can’t understand why Trace can’t see who she really is!! And I absolutely adore Taylor. Hope she plays a bigger role.
Cheree Sheffield
Posted at 13:08h, 30 JanuaryI can’t wait for INFERNAL to be released. It’s killing me to wait 2 more days, but I know you won’t let us down. I’m trying to figure out who Jemma will end up with. I hope it’s
Dominic! ?
Naarah Brown
Posted at 21:29h, 30 January2 days!!!!!!!!!!
Christy Karter
Posted at 10:19h, 01 FebruaryWhy can’t I find the new book? Did it release today?
Beth Odom
Posted at 10:22h, 01 FebruaryShe postponed the date…still no word on the release date….she explains in another post
Kryssa Lange
Posted at 14:10h, 02 FebruaryI can’t find your new book anywhere. Did it come out yesterday?
Nicole Jones
Posted at 23:50h, 08 FebruaryWhy can’t we even pre-order the book? It’s after Feb 1st and im waiting on pens and needles. Buying other books because of the anticipation of waiting. I’ve even reread the other 3 books.
Posted at 03:56h, 09 FebruaryShe posted on her web site that her self and her family are having some health issues.,she’s not sure when the book will be released as of now… I know how you feel I was very excited too…
Tumisha Anderson
Posted at 02:20h, 09 FebruaryWhen is this book available
Nancy K Petridge
Posted at 17:22h, 12 FebruaryLove the first three, so looking forward to number four. Until then I’m going to reread the first three.
Posted at 17:47h, 14 FebruaryPlease please finish book 4 ? I need it in my life! Also please make sure whoever she doesn’t end up with has a destiny good ending. Or…..can she have both? I’m not opposed to her having both (Curse of the Gods). It is paranormal romance so anything goes! I love Dominic now but I think it will feel off if she doesn’t end up with Trace. Dominic loves her but he seems to still want to be ruthless.
Posted at 23:44h, 16 FebruaryI am so a Dominick girl!! love Trace, but the love story between Jemma and Dominick would be of epic proportions!! I kinda picture in my head Trace as the blond and Dom as tall dark and brooding
Kimberly Fitts
Posted at 13:25h, 04 AprilKatie I so agree with you. I also see Dominic as the tall dark and utterly beautiful. I am frustrated that her book is not out grrrr
Ashley Gillen
Posted at 01:07h, 24 FebruaryWhen is the release date? I can’t wait to read it!
Posted at 17:31h, 08 MarchDo you have a release date on Infernal?
Posted at 19:44h, 10 AprilI cannot wait for this to be released. Do you have a new release date?
Posted at 15:45h, 13 AprilAny release datebook yet? Looking forward to reading!
Riley Cerulli
Posted at 02:54h, 10 MaySo excited!!! I am wondering when the new release date is???
By the way Dominic and Jemma for life.
Nancy Garcia
Posted at 11:35h, 24 MayAny update on the release date?
Team Dominic!!!
Rayma Ford
Posted at 02:34h, 10 JuneWhen is the release date? It’s already June