Bianca Scardoni | Keep Calm: IT’S A BOY!
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Keep Calm: IT’S A BOY!

I’m so excited to FINALLY post this! Guess who’s 16 weeks pregnant and just found out she’s having a baby boy? THIS GIRL! Words can’t even describe how excited I am to meet this little peanut.

And in other news, I decided to take a little hiatus from my book. I want to concentrate on work and preparing for the baby and getting his nursery done (OMG I’m going to have a nursery in my house!) so I’m putting my novel on the back burner for a while. I’m sure I’ll still be writing here and there when the mood strikes me, but I’m definitely not going to set any deadlines or put any pressure on myself about it. The less stress I have, the better 🙂


  • Aradia
    Posted at 22:10h, 03 November Reply

    Omg this is really belated but congratulations!! 🙂

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 23:46h, 04 November Reply

    Thank you, Aradia! He's the little love of my life <3

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